I Call 9MM

CRank: 5Score: 12410

The whole issue really is, why would you put with having to have the disc in your drive and more security measures with the retail version or just download the pirated version sans any such issues. The nice thing about PC games used to be no discs needed, not anymore it seems. Step back there in progress.

5776d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not as bad as it could have been. They let you install it on as many systems as you want, which is good. That was the big issue with Securom. It's still absolutely useless and this game will be cracked before it's even released, as usual, but what can you do. Gamers voiced their opinions and these install limits seem to be going away. As long as Securom isn't doing anything else in the background (like keylogging, tracking webpages etc...) then I can live with it.

Now, if it...

5776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I definitely have to say that is the crappiest controller list ever. GameCube controller as number 1? Not in this universe, maybe in bizarro world. Let's fix that list up a bit (I'll keep special controllers like guitars and dance mats out, because only a few games work with them).

1 - Mouse and Keyboard (muhaha. You want to get head shots and play RTS games properly, this is the only way to go. 3rd person platformers, well they still work I guess, awkward for other games too lik...

5777d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn, nice classic looking case. Wish this beast came out a few months ago, would have gotten it instead of the 832 Stacker I have.

5778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, Microsoft kind of shot itself in the foot with Halo 2 releasing it 2 or 3 years after it came out on consoles, so obviously people lost interest in it, not to mention it is a Vista only game, and hardly anyone bought Vista just to play this game (I only bought it because I got it for like 15 bucks, Halo 2 Vista that is). And Gears of War, well, that has to be the buggiest Games for Windows Live game, with Fallout 3 a close second. Hardly worth purchasing.

I think the bigges...

5778d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh it will come to Windows, it's only a matter of time. Both other Halo games came to PC late in the game (2-3 years after console release), so if Halo 3 came out on PC early next year it would be sooner then later. Hopefully their smart and make it compatible with XP and Vista (there is no reason other then to push Vista that Halo 2 didn't run on XP). If Microsoft is going to try and start to push Games for Windows Live, I bet we will be seeing a lot more 360 ports in the future, but some mo...

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's a pretty damn sweet collection of games they have going there. And since it's going to be a retail disc, it shouldn't cost gamers a fortune. Probably only go 1000 achievement points out of the whole lot, but should still be fun. But when they say converted to 720p, I bet that just means a couple of filters are being used, like current emulators on the PC. I doubt very much we will be seeing any kind of improvements like wide screen except for stretching. But I'll take quantity over qua...

5779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The hardware is next generation (well, 2-3 year ago I guess now), other then the DVD drive which I agree was a mistake on their part whole hearted. Had they decided to make a proprietary disc format instead (like some sort of red laser derived DVD9 based disc but with more data layers to hold like 15-20 gigs) we would not be having this discussion right now. The CPU and GPU combination are great, admit it. The more powerful GPU in it then the RSX in the PS3 offsets it weaker CPU, more or less...

5781d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nevermind, from what I read months ago, the game is actually being developed with the PC as the primary system of choice right now. PS3 is the primary console of choice, but the playable versions (months ago, julyish I think) where the PC builds. They where building it on the PC then getting it to work on the PS3 (which pretty much sounds like any game out there actually). Not trying to be a PC fanboy or anything here, I like all the systems, just stating some facts. Just trying to support th...

5781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, disc swapping is a pain in the arse, I will agree. But I bet it could be kept to a minimum depending on the amount of FMV present in the game. Square likes to use a lot of FMV in their games if all their previous work all the way back to the PSONE is taken into account. If you checked out Final Fantasy 7, 8 or 9, most of the disc space being used is for the FMV only, the actual games only take up like 30-70 megs on each disc (which is mostly duplicated data b/w them).

Now, ...

5781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Supposed to be coming out on the PC from what I've heard. That might be the version to get, but they will probably butcher same system Co-op and only let you play LAN or Internet co-op, they always do with PC versions. Graphically though, it would be the version to get (well, if you have the hardware of course :) ).

5781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's nice that is uses Windows Live but I have to sign into another service to play this online? WTF Rockstar? Microsoft has some pretty lax rules in regards to what games get labeled Games for Windows and Games for Windows Live. Hell, Fallout 3 is full of bugs (and have fun getting it working on Vista 64-bit, something all games are supposed to do fine with out of the box due to the "standards of Games of Windows", all of the games must work out of the box for 64-bit windows. Bull)...

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wonder if us PC users will be getting this one too?

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love the paintball masks. Every low budget project has got to have paintball masks.

5783d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally, I like free. Free is always good. But I hope they do end up opening up the idea with themes and clothing you earn through achievements. It might be hard to expect them to add back support to older achievements already earned with clothing themed from other games (which would be great, and probably could be implemented fairly easily), but to future games that would be cool. Actually make the achievements worth getting.

If they did this or not would be another thing ent...

5783d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jeeze, that was half our computer class in high school, except it was the demo of Unreal Tournament (yeah, the first one) instead of CoD. Can't remember what we did about the vampires though?

5784d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think more needs to happen to these teens then just some probation and ban from video games. We Canadians have like the stupidest court and criminal justice system out there. Seriously, people get away with so much stuff in Canada, especially if your a teen and underage. Steal cars and smash into cab drivers, kill them and you get a bracelet around your leg. BS. Fry a cat in a microwave and you don't get to play video games. Seriously, our government here does jack sh*t.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

And this is why you need to liquid cool those old 360's people, so they don't end up having a brain fart and melting down.

5784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uhh, just to point out that Farcry 2 has it's own proprietary engine (Dunia I believe it's called), while Crysis uses the Cryengine2. Both very different (Crytek sold the rights to Ubisoft for FarCry, since they originally designed it be went to EA).

5785d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Personally, I like Guitar Hero's gameplay much better then Rock Bands, but Rock Band really kicks Guitar Hero in the ass with it's range of downloadable tracks, and backwards compatibility with the first games tracks (both downloads and those that came with the game).

Now, if Neversoft decides to go back and fix the Guitar Hero III and Guitar Hero Aerosmith (I could care less about the latter one TBH) tracks to make them compatible with GH World Tour, that would be great. Hell, e...

5785d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment